Storm Warriors Project

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Storm Warriors Project2019-05-31T15:38:51+00:00

Storm Warriors: The Project

Calling All Who Are Courageous is a not-for-profit foundation devoted to telling stories – across multiple platforms – that inspire people, organizations, communities and nations to launch their own lifeboats (comprised of gifts, callings and vision) to venture into storms (unsolved, overlooked and/or ignored crises across the planet) in pursuit of rescue and relief. Storm Warriors International exists to provide help to the helpless; in service to the suffering; in aid of the ailing; and to rescue those shipwrecked by life, nature, ignorance and man.

The Novel and the Movement

Storm Warriors International was founded in 2009 by author Jon Nappa and several media industry executives. In 2007, Nappa wrote a historical fiction novel merging authentic lifeboat rescues with an imagined back-story of what inspired genuine lifeboat inventor, Lionel Lukin, to risk his life saving others from shipwreck in fierce storms. The  novel was originally published by NavPress, and the theme led to a larger question: What does it take for any of us to be willing to launch our own lifeboats to rescue others in need? The lifeboats and storms became metaphors for helping people trapped in the various storms of life.

As Nappa met with growing numbers of fans of the book, he realized many were inspired to become modern day Storm Warriors but had little vision about how to begin. Storm Warriors International was formed to help gather and inspire modern day Storm Warriors who are looking for positive ways to help others who are in genuine need.

It has been growing ever since…

Storm Warriors

Visit the Storm Warriors International site for more information

Calling all who are courageous.
Storm Warriors

What is a Storm Warrior?

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